Sequential Tart – Opening the Box of Bones

John Jennings and I were interviewed by Sheena McNeil of Sequential Tart, a publication dedicated to providing exclusive interviews, in-depth articles, and news. Here’s a sneak peek. Sequential Tart: How and when did you first become interested in creating...

The Black Tribbles Show

I was recently on the Black Tribbles Show. The team reveals untold stories of geek history, showcases new and upcoming projects, and engages in thought-provoking conversation and provides critical insight into a culture often devoid of a black influence, all with an...

Box of Bones 2 on Kickstarter

You read that right. Box of Bones 2 is on Kickstarter. Volume 1 contains art from John Jennings, Sole Rebel, Damian Duffy, Frances Olivia Liddell-Rodriguez, Tommy Nguyen, Jarmel and Jamal Williams, and Bryan Christopher Moss with covers by Stacey Robinson! If you...

James Spooner Interview on Believer Mag

Oh that? That’s just me interviewing Afropunk founder James Spooner in Believer Mag. Big up to Spooner for sitting through it and Niela Orr for some bombass edits! Here’s an excerpt: BLVR:  I’ve heard people ask where’s the punk in Afropunk these days?  ...